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单位:河北工程大学     作者:崔因     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:文章通过对大名草编的历史渊源以及大名草编保护现状的探究,对大名草编的文化价值、工艺价值、艺术价值进行探讨,然后对其数字化保护策略进行分析,可从如下三个方面进行保护:利用数字化采集和存储技术为大名草编完整保护提供保障;利用数字化复原和再现技术为大名草编有效传承提供支撑;利用数字化展示与传播技术为大名草编构建展示与共享平台。通过对大名草编的数字化保护探讨,从而对其他非物质文化遗产的保护具有借鉴和指导意义。

关键词:大名草编;非物质文化遗产; 数字化;保护

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article explores the historical origins of Da Ming straw and the current situation of straw protection, and discuss the cultural value, craft value and artistic value of DaMing straw, then analyze its digital protection strategy, which can be protected from the following three aspects: Protecting the complete protection of Da Ming straw with digital acquisition and storage technology; Using digital restoration and reproduction technology to support the effective inheritance of Da Ming straw; Using digital display and communication technology to build a display and sharing platform for the Da Ming straw.

Key Words:Da Ming straw; Intangible Cultural Heritage; Digital; Protection