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单位:福建师范大学     作者:肖曼静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:后印象主义绘画是19世纪末继承印象派并加以变革的一种艺术思潮,主要以梵高、高更、塞尚为主要代表。后印象主义的艺术家反对西方传统的古典写实主义、浪漫主义及追求再现对象的印象派等绘画,主张把身边直接感受到的事物作为题材,即他们对题材追求瞬间的视觉效果,对自然原形进行简化,在印象派对客观事物的描写加入主观色彩语言的表达。本论文总体分为三个部分,第一大部分主要从绘画概述产生的角度来讲,简要概括了后印象主义绘画概念的产生和后印象主义绘画的代表人物。第二大部分是对后印象主义绘画语言的特征进行分析,即通过后印象主义三位代表画家色彩与形体,空间位置关系和笔触肌理的表现因素等三小部分的浅谈分析和比较探讨。第三大部分主要从对西方现代美术影响下的设计角度来论述,其美术语言自身艺术魅力的应用。


中图分类号:J0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Post-Impressionist painting is a kind of artistic trend of thought which inherited the Impressionism and reformed in the end of 19th century, mainly represented by Van Gogh, Gauguin and Cezanne.Post-impressionist artists opposed to the classical realism of the western tradition, the romanticism and the impressionistic impressionistic impressionistic impressionist, and the idea of having to take the things that are directly in their side of the subject, which is the kind of thing that they want to see in the light of the moment, which is to simplify the nature, and the way that the impressionists have to write about the objective things in the subjective language.This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part mainly focuses on the generation and development of the concept of post-impressionist painting,include the economic development of the 19th century, the precondition of impressionism and neo-impressionism, which provided a factor for the generation of post-impressionist painting.After the second most is to analysis the characteristic of impressionist painting language, is the main content of this article, by color and form, space position relations and brushwork texture performance factors, such as introduction to analysis of three small parts.The three representatives of the post-impressionism represented the painting language of the painter. 

Key Words:Post-impressionism; Color; Painting language; Form