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单位:西南林业大学     作者:张恒志 孟利清     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:工业设计价值随着时代的变化而变化,不再是单一的一种或几种价值观,从工业革命开始,工业设计产生至今,工业设计的价值大致经历了调节价值、商业价值、生态价值三大阶段,未来工业设计价值是什么,应该从时代入手,探究未来会是什么时代,进而研究在未来时代下工业设计的价值,任何事物都不是孤立存在的,都会受到各种各样的制约,放在背景环境中看待工业设计,探讨工业设计,研究工业设计。本文基于这一理念,分析了工业革命,不同时代下的工业设计价值以及大胆预想了未来工业设计可能会具有价值。

关键词:工业设计; 时代背景;价值观

中图分类号:J0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The value of industrial design changes with the times, and is no longer a single one or several values.Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, industrial design has been produced so far. The value of industrial design has experienced three stages of adjustment value, commercial value and ecological value. What is the future industrial design value,It should start from the times and explore what era will be in the future, and then study In the future era, the value of industrial design, anything that does not exist in isolation, will be subject to various constraints, in the context of the background of industrial design, industrial design, industrial design.Based on this concept, this paper analyzes the industrial revolution, the industrial design value in different eras and the bold expectation that future industrial design may have value.

Key Words: industrial design; background of the times; Sense of worth