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单位:长春工业大学...     作者:张永宁 魏威     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:文章着重研究动画视听的设计元素在日本动画作品中的应用。通过对动画视听设计元素的理论梳理,结合相关的优秀日本动画作品进行案例分析,分别从视听元素的概说与画面的表现内容、画面的色彩、画面的景别与构图、声音等相关设计的应用进行重点阐述。文章通过对日式动画视听设计的各元素进行归纳整理,希望对当下动画工作者在进行动画创作时提供些许启发与帮助。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper focuses on the application of animation audio-visual design elements in Japanese animation works. Through the theoretical combing of animation audio-visual design elements, Case Study of Excellent Japanese Animation Works, This paper focuses on the introduction of audio-visual elements and the application of related design, such as the content of the picture, the color of the picture, the scene and composition of the picture, sound and so on. This paper summarizes the elements of Japanese animation audio-visual design, hoping to provide some inspiration and help for domestic animation workers when they create action paintings.

Key Words:Animation  Audio-visual Elements  Design