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单位:南京林业大学      作者:何雪莉 梅汝晨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-28

摘 要:为了能够使纤维质感更好的应用在今后的酒店空间设计中,本文介绍了纤维材料的基本情况及四季酒店的基本文化背景,并通过对四季酒店进行实地调研的方法,根据实际情况对多种纤维质感在四季酒店不同区域中的进行了分析与研究,从中得出多种纤维质感对酒店设计的空间布局、氛围营造、色彩搭配以及灯光处理方面都有着影响的结论。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:order to be able to make the fiber texture better application in the future the hotel space design, this paper introduces the basic situation of fiber materials and the four seasons of the basic cultural background, and through the method of field investigation and research of the four seasons hotel, according to the actual situation of various fiber texture in the four seasons hotel in different regions of the analysis and research, draw a variety of fiber texture space layout, the ambience of the hotel design, colour collocation and lamplight processing effect has a conclusion.

Key Words:fiber; hotel space; interior design