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单位:景德镇陶瓷大学     作者:文雪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-27

摘 要:通过探讨人机工效原理对日用陶瓷产品重要的部件——把手的设计方法与原则,提升日用陶瓷产品的适用性。运用案例分析法和对比法对各种结合或体现人机功效原理的优秀陶瓷产品案列进行分析,发现其设计规律或原理并进行归纳总结。在人机工效原理的科学指导下凸显了产品的功能在产品设计中的重要性,同时也体现了造型美感和用户心理体验。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:To improve the applicability of domestic ceramics products by discussing the inspiration and guidance of ergonomics principle on the design of handles, an important component of domestic ceramics products, so as to achieve the purpose of emphasizing the "people-oriented" design concept and principle. Case analysis was used to analyze various excellent ceramic products which combined or embodied the principle of human-machine efficacy. The design rules or principles were found and summarized. Under the scientific guidance of ergonomics, the importance of product function in product design is highlighted, and the aesthetic feeling of shape and user's psychological experience are also embodied.

Key Words:ergonomics; ceramic design for daily use; handle; function; design principle