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单位:1.西北师范大...     作者:王莹1 张建2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-27

摘 要:本文从一线教学的视角切入,通过对西北师范大学计算机图形图像软件类课程的个案分析,针对现存弊端,结合当前如火如荼的在线教育市场发展现状,提出“线上通识+线下专题辅导”的全新教学模式设计方案。并论证了其合理性与可行性,试图推进在全国范围内,此类课程的教学改革进程。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper form the viewpoint of the front line teachers, through case study of the Computer Graphics Software course in North West Normal Univercity. Have analyed the existing drawbacks and the necessity of reform, and combines with the market development status of on line education. Then present the programs of the new Teaching Methods about “General eduction curriculum on line + Special topic tutorial curriculum off line”. With the analyze of the rationality and feasibility of the scheme. We are trying to push forward the reform of such courses on a national scale.

Key Words:model of instruction; curriculum provision; General eduction curriculum on line; Special topic tutorial curriculum off line