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单位:清华大学社会...     作者:孙墨青     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-02-27

摘 要:现代人典型的一大困境在于精神世界的碎片化,而大学教育的责任在于抵制碎片化、重建人的完整性。世界顶尖大学,以柏林洪堡大学与哈佛大学为例,就将塑造“全人”定为神圣的育人目标。本文从现代大学教育的宗旨和使命出发,探讨其中艺术教育与美育不可或缺的人文精神和人性责任。艺术在其最好的意义上,有助于提升感性、开启灵性、涵养人性,恢复人类之共情。在当今大学教育中,艺术教育与美育应当发挥怎样的意义和作用?本文将这一命题置于教育学、艺术学、美学与人文主义的多重背景下,加以作答。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The Fragmentation of the mental status is a marked typical feature of modern man. To improve the situation, defending fragmentation and rebuilding the completeness of humanity become the key tasks of higher education. The world-renowned universities, Humboldt University of Berlin and Harvard University as examples, regard Holistic education as their key pedagogical concept. Based on the purpose of higher education in general, this essay discusses the responsibility of arts and aesthetic education in Chinese and global universities. Arts and aesthetic education improve the aesthesia, broaden the spirituality, deepen the humanity, regain the empathy between the people. Which roles should arts education play in the contemporary universities? This essay tries to discuss the question in the combined field of the pedagogy, arts, aesthetics and humanism.

Key Words:contemporary universities; Holistic education; arts and aesthetic education; humanism responsibility; civilized community