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单位:东南大学机械...     作者:薛薇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-01-18

摘 要:越来越多的人们出游住宿会选择民宿,而互联网民宿产品也迎来了一个飞速的发展期。许多用户会选择在手机APP上选择预定民宿,国内也出现了许多民宿APP。为了从更理性化的角度来分析民宿界面的配色,文章选用了Moon-Spencer的和谐度量化模型来分析界面的配色。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:More and more people will choose boarding and lodging when they travel, and the Internet products of boarding and lodging also ushered in a period of rapid development. Many users will choose to reserve accommodation on mobile app, and there are also many residential apps in China. In order to analyze the color matching of the interface from a more rational point of view, the Moon-Spenser harmonic metric model is selected to analyze the color matching of the interface.

Key Words:Harmony model; Color matching; Munsell color system