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单位:长春工业大学     作者:张永宁 王泓贤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-01-18

摘 要:在现代社会环境下,随着新媒体艺术在各专业各领域的延伸发展,人们的审美已经从传统艺术表现向数字媒体艺术的新形式过渡转变。新形式下产生的3D投影动画不仅给观众以视觉上的冲击和震撼,在科技和艺术的的结合下达到了一种新的高度。近年来投影技术的发展使得3D动画的展示有了新的艺术表现方式——3D投影动画,其给观众带来的视听效果,所产生的冲击和震撼是传统媒体表现方式所不及的,是一种全新的感官体验。投影技术和3D动画的完美结合,使得艺术与科技得到了空前的交融发展,这种空间和影像的光影艺术表现形式解放了人们的感官体验。本文对投影技术的原理以及概念做了简要概述,同时着重描写3D投影艺术的表现形式及其影响,使其更有利于新媒体艺术的发展和进步,以创作出更好更有价值的艺术作品。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In modern society, people are demanding more and more beauty. 3D projection animation meets this requirement, giving the audience a visual impact and shock. This article focuses on the overview of the artistic form of expression, the art is also widely used, not only in the field of animation, but also in other fields. In recent years, the development of three-dimensional technology has enriched people's lives, but also promoted the technological change, which is conducive to the progress of science and technology. Compared with two-dimensional technology, three-dimensional animation technology is more mature, and is constantly changing in technology. At the same time, it brings people different visual feelings, which makes the image of the characters more three-dimensional. At the same time, it has been applied to various fields to give the audience a sense of beauty. At the same time, it also promotes the continuous development of technology to give people a better sensory experience. This paper gives a brief overview of the principle and concept of this technology, and focuses on its artistic manifestation, which is more conducive to the development and progress of this technology, in order to create better and more valuable works of art.

Key Words:3D projection; projection animation; manifestation