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单位:中南林业科技大学     作者:曹鸣 邓莉文     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-01-18

摘 要:宋代瓷器是我国古代制瓷艺术的高峰,在中国陶瓷发展史上占有举足轻重的地位,宋代瓷器无论是在造型或装饰等方面,都生动地反应出了宋代文人“素”的审美理念,本文通过探究宋代瓷器所包含的宋代文人的“素”审美,旨在弘扬民族传统文化,以此来展现宋瓷的艺术风格和美学价值。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Song Dynasty porcelain is the peak of China's ancient porcelain art, in the history of the development of Chinese ceramics occupies a pivotal position, Song Dynasty porcelain in the shape or decoration and other aspects, have vividly reflected the Song Dynasty literati "vegetarian" aesthetic concept, this article by exploring the Song Dynasty porcelain contained in the Song Dynasty literati's "vegetarian" aesthetic, aimed at promoting the national traditional culture In order to show the artistic style and aesthetic value of song porcelain.

Key Words:"Vegetarian" aesthetics; Song Dynasty porcelain; literati in Song Dynasty