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单位:沈阳建筑大学...     作者:焉佳瑶,杨淘     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-06-14

摘 要:为了丰富当前村落景观设计的手段与内涵,文章以新民市东塔村为例对村落景观展开设计研究。首先,探讨了地域文化在乡村景观中的表现形式,并对其总体结构、院落布局、建筑形态等方面展开探讨;其次提出了可充分提炼地域文化、科学保护村落风貌及鼓励村民参与设计的策略;最后基于地域文化对新民市东塔村从道路、院落及关键节点三个方面进行改造设计。以期在今后的村落景观设计中,以地域文化为切入点,积累与总结传统村落的相关设计方法,对传统村落的保护与景观改造设计具有一定的参考价值。


中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)06-0142-04

Abstract:In order to enrich the means and connotation of the current village landscape design, this paper takes Dongta Village of Xinmin City as an example to carry out the design research on the village landscape. Firstly, the expression form of regional culture in rural landscape is discussed, and its overall structure, courtyard layout and architectural form are discussed. Secondly, it puts forward some strategies that can fully extract regional culture, scientifically protect village features and encourage villagers to participate in the design. At last, based on the regional culture, the reconstruction design of Dongta Village in Xinmin City is carried out from three aspects: road, courtyard and key node. In the future village landscape design, it is expected to take regional culture as the starting point to accumulate and summarize the relevant design methods of traditional villages, which has certain reference value for the protection and landscape transformation design of traditional villages.

Key Words:Regional Culture; Village Landscape Design; Form of Expression