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单位:南京邮电大学...     作者:吕昱慧,周灵     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-06-14

摘 要:文章旨在通过研究桃花坞木版年画的背景与现状,探索科技与非遗结合的新方式。在数字化的背景下,分析AR技术的应用现状、提取桃花坞木版年画的设计元素,得到基于AR技术的桃花坞木版年画数字展示设计策略。桃花坞木版年画的数字展示设计实现了手机扫描的三维虚拟交互,贯通了传统与现实,使原本枯燥的年画内容变得有趣,有效的促进了非遗文化的传播,带动了工业设计的发展。


中图分类号:J218.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)06-0138-04


Abstract:This paper aims to explore a new way of combining technology and intangible cultural heritage by studying the background and current situation of Taohuawu woodblock prints Under the background of digitization, we analyze the application status of AR technology, extract the design elements of Taohuawu woodblock prints, and get the design strategy of digital display of Taohuawu woodblock prints based on AR technology.The digital display design of Taohuawu woodblock prints realizes the three-dimensional virtual interaction of mobile phone scanning, connects the tradition and reality, makes the original boring New Year painting content interesting, and effectively promotes the spread of intangible cultural heritage,led to the development of industrial design.

Key Words:Industrial Design; Taohuawu Woodblock Prints; AR Technology; Digital Display Design