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单位:南京艺术学院...     作者:蒋欣然,江加贝,陈嘉嘉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-06-14

摘 要:在体验经济快速发展的背景下,研究通过深入挖掘增强情绪体验的方法,设计出能够满足不同年龄段用户远程沟通需求、培养亲密关系的智能沟通类产品。首先,文章通过用户研究,梳理不同年龄段用户的特点、沟通需求和设计要点;其次,将感官语言转译为情绪表达,帮助设计师梳理设计逻辑;最后,通过设计实践对以上分析研究进行验证。以期为增强情绪体验的智能沟通类产品设计提供参考,促进体验经济的蓬勃发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)06-0117-04


Abstract:Under the background of the rapid development of experience economy, we design intelligent communication products that can satisfy the remote communication needs of users of different age groups, promote natural active communication, and cultivate intimate relationships by digging deeper into the methods of enhancing emotional experience. Firstly, through user research, we sort out the characteristics, communication needs and design points of users of different age groups;secondly, the sensory language is translated into emotional expression to help designers sort out the design logic; finally, the above analyses and research are verified through design practice.The study provides a reference for the design of intelligent communication products to enhance emotional experience, and promotes the prosperous development of experience economy. The study provides lessons and references for affective product design with multi-sensory synergies for a thriving experience economy.

Key Words:Industrial Design; Emotional Experience; Intelligent Products; Remote Communication