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单位:南京林业大学...     作者:怀宇晨,邹媛媛,方露     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-06-14

摘 要:随着人们对环境问题的日益关注,绿色环保成为家具设计中不可回避的时代命题。文章运用CiteSpace软件对中国知网和Web of Science数据库中收录的文献进行可视化分析,揭示国内外在该领域的研究热点和发展趋势。通过关键词共现、聚类以及突现分析可知,国内外绿色家具的设计研究均呈整体上升趋势,但国外在前沿技术应用和跨学科研究方面更为深入。我国绿色家具的设计研究应朝向日益深入的学科交叉融合、日趋创新的材料选择、日见紧密的政策联系迈进。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)06-0052-06

Abstract:As people pay more and more attention to environmental issues, green environmental protection has become an inevitable proposition in furniture design. This paper uses CiteSpace software to visually analyze the literature collected in CNKI and web of science database, and reveals the research hotspots and development trends in this field at home and abroad. Through keyword co-occurrence, clustering and emergence analysis, it can be seen that the design research of green furniture at home and abroad is on the rise as a whole, but foreign countries are more in-depth in the application of cutting-edge technology and interdisciplinary research. The design and research of green furniture in China should move towards increasingly in-depth interdisciplinary integration, increasingly innovative material selection, and increasingly close policy ties.

Key Words:Industrial Design; Green Furniture Design; CiteSpace; Bibliometric Analysis; Research Hotspots; Trend Analysis